Hey Community,

I hope you’re all doing well!

I wanted to know your views on which platform you think best suits our community interactions. Specifically, I’m interested in your preference between our community website and Discord or is there any other platform that you find more suitable?

Your feedback is crucial as our community platforms continue to evolve, along with our engagement methods. For example, I feel we could make the community website the main platform of choice, use Discord for daily interactions, workshops, and gaming sessions, and utilise X for AMAs. Your insights will help shape our future engagement strategies.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and any suggestions you might have.

Looking forward to your views!

What is your preferred platform for community engagement?

Tell us more in the comments below!

Community website
This poll has ended.

    RohitPakalapati The community website (and possible future app) I see well as the main channel

    Discord is useful for official communications, community projects and workshops

    X as social media is not to be underestimated as it allows users to express their opinions and give feedback. It’s a direct touchpoint that has worked well so far for Nothing

    I think a Reddit channel would also be useful. The ones I’ve seen so far don’t seem official

    I worry we may see a little bias here, asking only people with Nothing Community accounts for their views on which platforms they prefer. I imagine if you created a poll in Discord you may find it weigh heavily towards people preferring to communicate via Discord. We agreed to post a poll on the Discord too, which has since been done 😄

    Personally I like both platforms for different reasons. Discord is always fast flowing conversation, things move quickly and you need to be present, jumping in at the right time in order to join discussions; but at the same time you can have real connections through a series of both quick and in depth conversations on many topics. The casual vibe of the server allows us to have many off-topic conversations in their respective channels and get to know real people, something I feel gets pushed down or ignored on the Community vs the on-topic threads.

    However, the Community is better for long-form discussions where people are free to go back to previous threads and add their opinions at a time that suits them. There’s no pressure to check every day or every hour because the thread will always be there and you can’t miss a discussion. Plus it’s easy to search for an existing thread and find an answer you’re looking for without having to create a new one.

    If I had to choose one specifically, the more “in the moment” aspect and friendships you can create via Discord would make me lean towards that as my preference.

      RohitPakalapati I like the spread of different platforms for different reasons:

      Community website: Much better for the longer and detail reads, like news, announcements, the interview style posts, as well as product and feature topics that would otherwise get lost in other places. I know that I can come back to this site whenever I like and easily find the post I was after, or see it featured at the top of the page.

      Discord: Great for daily chit-chat and general engagement with community members. I see this more of an ‘instant messaging’ and conversational platform, rather than somewhere that I would go to read long posts or news. It works as well to reach all timezones in an easy way, as you can converse in real time. As you mentioned, I agree that this platform is better for the daily interactions and entertainment activities.

      X: AMA posts are always good fun, I also like reading people’s Threads that they do as well as it helps to build a picture of the story they are trying to tell. Possibly, X could be utilised for workshops using the main Nothing account, which I believe the Community Team trialled a while back. It makes it much more accessible than Discord, and also increases reach too. Beyond these elements, I don’t think there’s much more specifically for Community on this platform.

      I wouldn’t choose this site as my preferred platform for engagement, it would be great if we had a nothing app for the announcements and engagements, till then Discord is my preferred platform.

      RohitPakalapati For myself both plattforms are too different to say one is better than the other or I prefer one more than the other. Both fulfill different purposes and attract a different audience. I see so many people on here who are not on discord and vice versa but also many who are on both. I think @adbo and @Louis ☕️ pointed it out pretty good already.

      Discord is super much fun for every day talk and casual conversation. It also enables the opportunity to interact directly with community members and get instant responses.

      The community site on the other hand is way better for long term topics and discussions.

      I just would like to see a deeper integration between both. How? No idea to be honest.

      Regarding X/Twitter: I’ve never been a huge fan of it since it existed and mostly used it to get updates about people or companies I follow without beeing super active myself. (Same for instagram etc.)

      Discord has a lot to explore. However, you can also be overwhelmed by channels and posts and all sorts of people. I personally engage more on the community website than discord. However, a dedicated app would be so much better to keep things focused and easy to be in touch with the team, and vice versa.

      Echoing the thoughts of those above. Each platform has its own merits for different reasons.

      I started getting into the Community on Discord, as this was the most active place at the time and I have enjoyed having quick, fast flowing conversations over there, and making connections through this. Then the Community Site came back, and I have enjoyed the longer form discussions over here as well as troubleshooting threads to help users fix their issues before heading over to a more dedicated support team.

      I feel that there cannot be a “best” option however. The various channels on Discord are great for little, informal chats, or sharing images of food, or daily life. Something that isn’t seen or utilised on this site.
      The Community site is a wonderful resource for all of the longer, more in depth styles of information that can be shared, either via existing threads or new threads for new product lines etc.

      Each user will have their preferred method of interacting with the community of Nothing. I, like a few others, shall be across all or most of the platforms, and shall immerse themselves everywhere. Other users may only stick to one or two, and digest the information there. I believe that it would be a wonderful way to keep all of these spaces alive by keeping information passing through all of them. Keep the spaces doing what they do best, but keep them all connected and informed in the same timely manner.

      This all being said, I am sorely missing the Nothing workshops that used to be on Discord. These were great fun and I would love to see them come back in some capacity someday. Whether that is via Discord, or via X or another medium entirely.

      Thanks for asking for this feedback, Rohit. I hope the feedback and poll results help inform the future decisions 🤞🏼

      I used to be a forums guy back in the late 90s and early 00s but now I seem to be enjoying Discord more. I definitely don’t prefer twitter and I’d prefer for Nothing to stop driving any engagement over there.

      Copying and pasting some random thoughts I just posted onto Discord:

      1st Nothing Launched Forums
      2nd Nothing scrapped Forums
      3rd Nothing Launched Discord
      4th Nothing Re-Launched Forums
      5th Rinse & Repeat

      so it’s maybe kinda tricky - perhaps a better question might be are users more mobile and about or more stationary at home. I mean that as Discord, on a phone, fits the mobile up and about style.

      You get notifications baked, in, chat’s and engagement like here, the dot channels for example. Forums has value, especially with long form content such as articles since, it’s probably easier to write that on a computer, when not mobile. I think both can co-exist but there needs to be a synergy - which has been lacking recently. Lots of ‘info’ seems to be posted onto the forums by community and neglected to be cross posted here (Discord) via announcements, etc or some other simple automatic feed. Then atleast, people on discord can be like oh hey, let me check that out. The new widget seems a good start in that direction - but it’s limited too in a way.

      Perhaps Nothing needs to be more daring again - Nothing was content in shutting the forums 100% - so why not be content in calling time on Discord - say the company and community have outgrown etc then put all the energy and time in developing the forums better. it’s an interesting one for sure

      Also - the workshops (liked those) were a great engageing way for the community to interact with Nothing - those have dried up since the move to the longer form content on the forums. Perhaps it’s in aid of better marketing - as in a way Discord acts as a walled garden around the content - unlike the forums where it’s public and can be indexed by Google and more readily shared.

      Now - there is also an argument in scrapping Discord purely because it’s a 3rd party - and does a company want to beholden to a 3rd party? Will they get support when things go wrong? How much control do they have, etc? The forums is technically a 3rd party too so perhaps that argument is moot - although I suspect there is probably more control in the forums than discord as it’s most likely open source or paid deploy it and run it source.

      If both were kept then they need to be able to have some of the benefits of both perhaps or a clear and communicated line on what each is for. The black dots and red dot channels for example, there is Nothing (hoho) like this on the forums? No dot integration to offer anything extra or special. (ok granted the whole dots NFT is a nother conversation in itself cause that’s a pretty dead duck lately too)

      RE: The workshops - they themselves were what was interesting rather the medium in which they were presented. Perhaps they could be done in some other way rather than on Discord if the company want’s to ween off Discord. Maybe not the same but live stream perhaps from YouTube or IG or something. X tbh would serve that function - but again that doesn’t answer the fundamental question - to Discord or Not to Discord? Let’s make a definitive to that first before we can truly move on