Khushal Jain Rob ⚡️ 📷 Faster camera launch speed under the Camera Widget. Phone (1) gets the camera widget?
AminuRIslaM So upset..why release last time…. nothing phone 1..its released before cmf phone 1, and 2a+
Ealesy101 Mr Steel I echo these thoughts! Many congratulations to the respective teams for all of their efforts 👏🏼 Can’t wait for loyal Phone (1) users to get a slice of the 3.0 beta pie! 🎉
Mr Steel TejSinghGour SemralEsk Verify that the folder Documents is present, if not create it yourself.
_lI_7UmxvvDoc7 ArunaMurari у меня тоже висел бесконечный экран загрузки, пока не сбросил телефон до заводских настроек
thennarasu3112 Camera improvements 📷 Faster camera launch speed under the Camera Widget. In change log camera widget mentioned, but in widgets there is no camera widget.
Nothing001 If anyone one wants try circle to search on Nothing phones check out this post
Camacho_13 sabyasachisaha_QyD5hKZKEa Just create a folder called “Documents” in the root of internal Storage
christianfischer062 Rob ⚡️ Is it just me, or is there something not right with the link? When I open it, there is a failure so I can’t even download the Beta version onto my phone 1
-m1- Mr Steel Where exactly does this folder have to be? Google Files? I have a documents folder there.
FaizanG_ I have been using beta 1 in my NP2, and I believe it’s time to also update beta 1 in my NP1. I sincerely hope it has fewer bugs.