DipeshGoel NihithRajanala NihithRajanala NihithRajanala Rob ⚡️ Same issue, unable to install Installation Failed error
AdnanAhmad NihithRajanala Clear out storage. I had this same problem when I had 3.2GB storage left so I cleared out some files and it’s installed when there is 23GB storage left on my phone (1)
-m1- Mr Steel Where exactly does this folder have to be? Google Files? I have a documents folder there.
Singrohabir0001 Is the phone factory reset when updating to beta version? Please tell me on urgent basis.
Camacho_13 sabyasachisaha_QyD5hKZKEa Just create a folder called “Documents” in the root of internal Storage
Shubh Rob ⚡️ Added support for auto-archive function to automatically free up storage space without removing apps or data from your device. The archive function is not yet available in Nothing Phone (1)