ShreyanshGupta_ZHBadHVTNA Rob ⚡️ I still can’t set the gallery app as default neither see the countdown widget. Help?
MayankGupta_ayXJ3XZBz0 ShreyanshGupta_ZHBadHVTNA You need to set the gallery app as default via your settings.
VishalShankar ShreyanshGupta_ZHBadHVTNA install it from the play store, search it as “nothing gallery”
FlorianHillion surr Il va falloir attendre encore un peu je pense 😉 Je tente régulièrement chaque jour. 😃
EnesTahan I downloaded the new Nothing OS 3.0 and it made Android`s own colored icon pack disappear is there a specific reason for this
MihneaPerianu OS 3.0 Stable Nothing Phone (2a), update size 1.9GB. Checked for update and here it was 🙂
Jfordi Congrats to everyone at nothing good hard work and thank you to everyone that participated in the beta