Hey! Apologies, I’m new here and I imagine this has been discussed numerous times but I’m not very tech-y myself and would be grateful for any help and advice
My partner needs a new phone as their current iPhone is on its last legs, and they’ve mentioned this brand a few times. I’d not heard of it until they mentioned it and I don’t know anyone who has any of their devices so I’m a bit stuck. They’ve not mentioned which one they’d like specifically, just that they’ve been looking at them after seeing someone’s review on YouTube
They’re not someone who is on their phone 24/7. They don’t use social media apps, with the exception of YouTube, Reddit and Discord. Beyond checking those apps a few times a day, their phone is only used for calls, texts and as an alarm!
Budget isn’t really an issue, I could spring for the Phone 2 which I believe is the most expensive option but I know they’d be cross with me for spending that much. I know the other versions are cheaper, and then the CMF one is cheaper still but I’m not how they all compare against each other and would be grateful if someone could give me an idiots guide to the differences? I’m assuming the CMF version would be suitable given how little they actually use the phone, but if one of the more expensive ones is built better and has a better battery life and performance etc then I’d rather opt for that
I was going to purchase the phone, the smart watch and earphones for them too so if anyone has any opinions on the different earphones/earbuds from Nothing I’d be exceptionally grateful for any input!
Thanks so much, I really appreciate everyone’s time ❤️