Z_Aid @Natalie ✨ this definitely is a camera array. But not just a vertical one. That is just there to deceive us. This is going to be the best designed Nothing phone. Great choice on going with the Pixel inspired camera visor. Oh and if anyone wants Phone 2 on discount , I am selling mine on the same day it launches
Vivek Bhimani Looks like the Nothing Phone 3a! 👀 Their Nothing.tech page is live and redirects here: https://www.flipkart.com/nothing-coming-soon-store?ocmpid=BrandAd_Nothing_phone3a_website_d2c_date_announcement (so yeah 😅). Can’t wait for this! 😎
shaikKarim Vivek Bhimani just be patient until launch. Don’t create hype. Let the performance of the device explain about it. Because I have bought the nothing phone by its looks and news. After using some days I realised nothing used low quality displays compared to samsung. Even poco amoled display shows good and accurate colours than ours.
SelvaHari Ali Fakhruddin Guess Phone 3 will be the best compared to 3a but “A” series phones beats all other device profits easily and that’s why they are bringing the successor to the Phone 2a first.
nothing_linus Natalie ✨ i believe its the new glyph system of phone (3), which will go into a much more modern direction
MiroR97 So if this is 3a when we are expect to get the phone 3… i really need a new phone because my S22 ultra is falling apart and i need a proper flagship from Nothing if i am willing to change from Samsung to Nothing.
Ealesy101 All I see, is the old MSN Avatar 😂 But whatever this could be, very excited for Arcanine to show face! 🔥 As Harry mentioned on “X”, gonna be sitting down on Pancake Tuesday, at 10:00am, and having a lovely time 👀
Louis ☕️ Ealesy101 Pancakes, quiz night and teaser reveal all in the same day sounds like a very exciting time to be alive 🤩
JoeDissolvo Seriously looks like it could be an edge glyph around the volume/power buttons. Its definitely not a camera.
Uday Doesn’t seem like buttons from the proportions, but if it were though, those buttons would be too elegant to click on with that surface area 🫠
Lukas_Fochr Mirko_ddd yeah that’s it Natalie ✨ My guess is that these are side buttons of Phone 3 that light up.
NamanKishwan HumbertoPena I don’t think that’s gonna happen, probably the camera module. Already love it
yukilab🇯🇵 There is a lot of buzz in the Japanese community that this image of the device shows the side. I also suspect that this is a side button. I’m really excited and can’t wait for the next information!