santanushee16 In my nothing phone 1 device after update 2.5.2 stable. There in network shows 5G++ sine. Why this double plus signe? And also in my are 5g network available but my mobile switch 5g to 4g. 5g network stay 5s then normal 4g. Why this happened!
ReethikThota Even I’m getting that on my nothing phone 1. When I researched about it, I got to know it’s 5G millimetre wave i.e 5G++. Let me know if there is anything else to this or if this understanding is correct.
Ujjaldas_6W0blIPzCm This will help: Google will display 5G connections on the millimeter-wave bands in Android 11 as ‘5G+’ : r/Android ( But one thing is for sure: I am getting high-speed, stable 5G on my phone.
joydeepbhattacharya_0SB8RnIUBQ What is the meaning of 5G++ showing in my phone 2a..any information on this would be helpfu