Mawi_2Q5oXwwonu JeremyRivera Same Problem. When I run the app and click on the ear icon to select my device by “scan”, nothing happens. I have the NOTHING Ear (a). Any ideas?
-Sultan- hey, now you can use this website to control your nothing ear it’s unofficial, but somehow helps with basic configuration
RapidZapper IndranathMoulick KennethDuijker Mawi_2Q5oXwwonu NamitAgarwal Hey, these devices are now supported by ear(web), this project is discontinued Have a look here: Ear (web) - Nothing X for the Web! - Nothing Community
Iron liamgiddy Yo, I got the same problem. When i first installed the app was there but it chrashed when I opened it so I reinstalled thinking maybe it was a corrupted file but as. I tried to launch it after the reinstall it would just bring me to command prompt and would not install the app.
NamitAgarwal umm is it compatible with CMF buds now?? like i downloaded the app and scanned for devices, my CMF buds were not coming up on
RapidZapper _aY_JNcJCQH0J1 bjaarki As you noticed it’s mroe of a false positive because executable are packed python program with launcher downloading files and copying in folder which isn’t the best practice, that said Ear (web) is now available and doesn’t require install 🙂 Ear (web) - Nothing X for the Web! - Nothing Community
bjaarki Thanks for the work. Why exactly does VirusTotal flag for riskware? It’s only 2 hits, which is below my usual threshold as false positives, but still a dodgy look.
hrry GabrielPoventud Hey mate, you want to use this instead 🙂 Ear (web) - Nothing X for the Web! - Nothing Community
RapidZapper AdityaRajput_ they’re supported here