MH:) here are some further iterations (although a few might not incorporate nothings iconic transparent design language) Please note that this is a drawing created in procreate 🙂 Have nice day 😉
[gelöscht] Interesting. Imho, Camera area : ugh. And next we do is then balloon-shaped, flute-like or imitating the body of a termite? Sorry, that’s just playing around to me. 😂 “Glyph Display” is a witty, inspiring idea! Could be a space for a tamagotchi 2.0. Ribbon cable routing: Not for me. The backside viewed as a whole is a not a calming, non disturbing essential part of a tech device, but an optical kerfuffle. 😅 I don´t know. At the end of all days a phone is rather a tech device with intended use(s) than a piece of art. I don´t wanna have an optical mess in my phone. Other than that, I see a bit too much metal / aluminium for the at least currently intended pricepoint. 😉 And plastic does not brake that easy as glass does. Anyway, my direct feedback. Please do not feel impaired or criticised by that. Design is very much about playing around. The drawings itself look beautiful. 👍🏼