Dmitriy Hello there I have some troubles after last OS update on my NP1 Camera app start shuttin down itself, and vpn now is unavaliable idk what happen with vpn, but camera broke down after the update
DhruvParashar_VsEHHnoiHS Dmitriy same issues front cam doesn’t work on my np2 and wallpaper also goes black when i restart
darkseid I don’t understand why no one seems to care about this issue or provide any fix for it. After each new update, the phone’s camera and battery performance get worse. I think they might be doing this deliberately to force us to buy a new phone. When I contacted them to replace the battery, they told me they don’t support my country.I don’t understand why they treat us like this. They are a new company and should try to win the satisfaction of most customers. For me, I will change this phone as soon as possible and will never recommend it to anyone. It’s the first company I’ve seen where the phone performs better before updates than after.
AdityaRaajan Yeah i am having the some issues from that update, which gets my np1 loss its touch sensitivity ,this problem is occurs in 2 times within a year. In first time customer care says that the software update kind having some issues so that this is happen after 2 days it is solved but again this time also happening same as well. Is somebody have any solution please tell us.🙃