Two months after my ear 2 firmware update changed from to my Ear 2 started having problems. Bass quality has decreased. Even the songs with bass do not have the punchy bass that we heard before. After a few days I rebooted and the problem did not change. Just then I could hear my Ear 2’s volume going down. I thought it must be my phone problem, or my ears because of the climate. I connected Ear2 to two other phones and experienced the same problem. There is no quality to the songs I listen to. In between listening to the songs, I hear a dirty sound like tuning the radio in the left earbud. Absolute volume, Ear2 reboot, Ear2 outer cleaning, connected with other phones, but I can’t get back the old quality of my Ear2. I believe that it will be fixed in the next firmware update.
Can you please give me a solution for this? I am very troubled with this problem of Ear2.