vincentfernandomacono Soo been using this phone a while now, i noticed about the camera that has lines and has astigmatism whenever its focus on bulbs, headlights, anything regarding light sources is this a bug? Or a malfunction of the phone 1
altendorfme vincentfernandomacono I noticed this problem, but changing the camera settings to 50MP seems to have resolved it. I had a similar problem when updating the 5G settings, then turning them off and on seems to bring everything back to normal, the update process seems to have lost some details.
Khushal Jain It might be a bug i have experienced this too, maybe try cleaning your lens with a piece of cloth if you come across this issue, it really helps😉
vincentfernandomacono Khushal Jain tried cleaning it, no changes as till now, regardless nothing phone 1 should resolve this bug in my case