I’m a Stadia gamer (only casual and only been on it for the last 2 months or so).

Currently playing Gylt (nearly finished it).

I play Dirt 5 on and off

I’ve just bought Cyberpunk 2077 in the black friday sale so that will be my next game 🙂

20 days later

Rob ⚡️

Count me in too for Warzone. Although, I’m not sure how much I like the new map launch, it feels incredibly open compares to Verdansk, it might take some time getting used to this 🤔

    Louis ☕️

    Awh yeah we’ll have to exchange PSN’s! Would be great to meet you over some thoroughly average K/D ratio’s! 😆

    Louis ☕️ it feels incredibly open compares to Verdansk

    I think they’ve made an effort to include lots more foliage to hide in - but I agree, this, coupled with incredibly short ttk’s makes Warzone very tough for the casual player!

    Rebirth island is still the best!

      Rob ⚡️ thoroughly average K/D ratio’s!

      Speak for yourself, I’d be proud to have a thoroughly average ratio, mine is possibly awful! 😃

      Rob ⚡️ Rebirth island is still the best!

      I agree, I think the quick play and speed of getting back into things, plus the various weapon drops helps. Although I am starting to get a little bored of the map, needs a refresh to something else but similar i.e. fast paced, small map with the same gameplay features of respawning.

      Rob ⚡️ we’ll have to exchange PSN’s!

      Louioo - see you in the Warzone! (excuse the corny but fully intentional pun)

      16 days later

      Hi, I’m a gamer as well. I play under the name phxzy.

      Started with a Nintendo 8bit and after that I had a Sega 16bit, PS1, PS2, Xbox, PS3, PS4 and now a PS5.

      Between I also gamed on a PC and played CS and RtCW. Back in the days I played alot of Fifa and Pes. PES6 ftw. Now I only play games on my PS5 and mostly play Call of Duty Cold War/Vanguard.

      One of my favorite titels was Final Fantasy VII on the PS1. Still need to play the remake on the PS5 now. It’s only hard to find some time to play the last months, because of our puppy. ^^


        I feel like we’re well on the way to building a CoD clan - I’ll add you on PSN later if you don’t mind!

          9 days later

          Have any of you PS5 owners downloaded the latest free monthly games? Dirt 5 is great! The soundtrack is just 👌 Also nice to have another title that supports 4K 120hz…tempting me to buy a new TV 👀

            Rob ⚡️ I’ve downloaded them, but didn’t had the time to play it. Last month I’ve bought a LG G1 Evo so I can finally play in 4k 120fps.

              Pascal_R Oooo, how is it? I’ve been eye-ing up the Sony XR range…is OLED as mind-blowing as you’d hoped?

              This TV is really great. The colors and picture are really stunning. We used to have an LCD/LED 4K UHD from Sony, but the colors didn’t really come out well there and there was also a lot of backlight. It took me a week of arguing with the wifey, but it was more than worth it haha. And for the price that I could buy it for, I couldn’t let this one go.

              Edit: totalIy forgot.. I also looked at a Sony XR65A90J. But it cost here about €3800,-. I got the 65 G1 Evo new for €1600,-. So that was easy discission for me.

                Pascal_R Yeah, LG seems to be making OLED a lot more accessible - I was looking into Sony since I understand the XR range is meant to be “Perfect for Playstation 5” with low input lag, etc. - but perhaps there is no discernable difference and I should shop LG too 😆

                  Rob ⚡️ The difference is really small. I know from YT that the input lag is a little bit lower on the LG than on the Sony. But both are great gaming TV’s.

                  But I do miss the AndroidTV functions that I had on my Sony. Like build in Chromecast, Google assistant (available on the G1, but not supported in the Netherlands).

                  20 days later

                  Stadia have added PUGB Battlefields recently (it’s cross platform with Xbox and PS4) - I’m hooked!!! I’m rubbish but hoping to get better (I’d never played it before)!

                  Call of Duty MW2 & MW3
                  Black Ops
                  Dota 2
                  Counter Strike
                  Prince of Persia
                  Assassin’s Creed
                  CoC & CR
                  Road Rash
                  Half Life
                  Many 90s video games.

                  And many more

                    Ghost Prince of Persia was amazing, especially the whole time control element it felt really unique. High-five also to CS and HL - I played CS all the way up until the beta for CS:GO but then that kinda threw me a little and stopped playing for a LONG time.

                    19 days later

                    I have been grinding out Apex a lot recently. I’m big on battle royals. But I have a deep love for The Legend of Zelda series and Resident Evil.

                      JayAnyWay I could never really get into Apex, played it a few times but too much for my mind to absorb I guess. Zelda was classic back in the day!

                      muzammil_hussain Interesting seeing a Battlefield player, so used to COD being everywhere. I used to be a Battlefielder too but more recently swapped back to COD, although the recent nonsense of Vanguard/Warzone has put me off it completely. Fifa I occasionally dabble in, but I’m still on the previous game as I wasn’t sold on the latest, is it different?

                        Louis ☕️ Apex is a lot to take in. Especially now with the amount of legends they created, each proving to be helpful in specific situations. I play the rank system so it’s “challenging”.

                        I did just pre-purchase Elden Ring though! I wasn’t planning on buying it but one review said it was like Breath of the Wild and that’s all I needed to read. I love Breath of the Wild, such a great open world game.