Hi there! 😁 I’m at the time exclusively Android Phone/Tablet gamer. Playing COD Mobile (ign:ZZ84 if you want to add me) and that’s BR only to be precise. I’m coming however from Sega, PS1,2,3 and 4 and PC games also (between all of that mouse and keyboard still feels like"home"). It’s not a sad story tho… Becoming father before three months changed my gaming habits but still old gamer here.


PUBG Mobile

Apex legends mobile

Gta 5 ps4

Cod ps4

Gta sa on mobile

Mario, contra, tekken on street gaming consoles

Not really a gamer. I played sometimes on Switch OLED, PS5 and some mobile games.

honestly not a gamer but i was playing clash of clans since 6 years and pubg or bgmi since 4 years.

Lots of mobile gamers in here, interesting to see how things have shifted from more people on consoles etc to mobile. I guess we are now more of a culture of being out and about, so the mobile gaming life suits us more?

Any warzone players here? @Louis ☕️ and I have had a few games together and we usually get ruined 😂

Bad north which is fun and well developped.

I would love to have GTA 2 on phone. I think it would be possible as it’s a 2D view.

    I play games everywhere.. right now in mobiles. efootball and pubg are the 2 main games i play. Looking to buy PS5 very soon.

    I only play games on PC, mostly because I find mobile games too simple. This leads me to be REALLY EXCITED for things like the Steam Deck, and all the small handheld Intel and AMD-based consoles. In addition to this I believe in cloud gaming fully, just think we need a bit faster avg. WIFI-speeds first.

    jordy_demeyere123 Totally agree, and the way the games all work together, even though they were released years apart - it’s incredible.

    I played many games, last 2 years dedicated to Yakuza Series, Valheim & Cyberpunk 2077. But the game which I will never get bored of probably will be Dota 2, have been playing for almost 15 years!

      I think I stayed in COD 4 I haven’t played video games for a long time but I have played GTA, Metro and many more titles.