DipeshGoel NihithRajanala NihithRajanala NihithRajanala Rob ⚡️ Same issue, unable to install Installation Failed error
BhishmaGohel_009 Hi I have Phone 1 , but it’s showing me update install fail after downloading completed, now I am not able to install Nothing Team please help on this Can you check this and let us know why is this happening? And how to resolve it ?
_p8_VtoBET5J2S bazilbycom Here’s the problem, I can’t download the update at all, that is, I try to download it and it says “problem with installation”
AdnanAhmad NihithRajanala Clear out storage. I had this same problem when I had 3.2GB storage left so I cleared out some files and it’s installed when there is 23GB storage left on my phone (1)
mahendiran_tkd_india Will the problem in WhatsApp photo capturing be rectified atleast now? Everytime I click photos through WhatsApp, it hangs and the same issue with video capturing too. I have to use phone camera app and then choose it from gallery to share it in WhatsApp. And if i crop and rotate the picture, the phone hangs. When will it be solved?
PratulPandey I’ve noticed a bug in version 3.0. When I click a picture using the camera and then try to open the gallery directly from the camera interface, it redirects to “Photos” instead of the intended Nothing Gallery.
SamarthNP1 PratulPandey that’s not bug it functions like that only try setting nothing gallery as default gallery app
TharunMurugesh There is no point in presence of both wifi and sim, as they display and function the same. Could have combined both into ‘Internet’ button similar to Bluetooth with a slider option alike Bluetooth.
NukaCola TharunMurugesh It’s easier to switch between them in a single step when you click on the left side of the tile.
shoaibm_nothing Just updated to NOS 3.0, smart all drawer is good, but it should have option to create or edit the folders. It is by default and we cannot even change the app from one folder to another. This i think is a must feature so that all things are organised properly.
Anonymous192 _p8_VtoBET5J2S You are on the wrong version of NOS2.6 (as per the original post): “You need to update to Ensure you have installed NOS version 2.6, build number should be Spacewar-U2.6-241031-1818” You are on Spacewar-U2.6-240909-1634. Hopefully an update to the correct version will fix the problem.
Gagamel-Phone1_ Wow endlich ist es da. Ja war unsicher ob ich es Installieren sollte aber hab gedacht was soll Passieren. Es sieht mega aus Reagiert Besser. Alle Apps gehen. Hab App zum Blutzuckermessen die App geht einwandfrei. Die Neuen Funktionen super große Arbeitet und Danke.
SamarthNP1 keshavjabdoliya2000 try battery calibration one time cuz mine is a lot better than 2.6 version