RohithTony addresskrish why don’t we include football also Like an option select favorite sport 3.vollyball 4.badminton etc…
addresskrish RohithTony This idea on my mind I submitted quick prototype so i make only for cricket.But if sport are accepted we can demand for more sports 😀
maulikrakholiya addresskrish If this becomes a reality, it would be a great treat for sports fans(especially for cricket fans).
addresskrish maulikrakholiya I think in india { Cricket is not sport it’s an emotion }. They definitely approving and makeing reality this concept.
VIVEK Loved the idea, always wanted a widget that does so without hampering the aesthetics . Hope they make it fr.
addresskrish VIVEK Last IPL in my mind why they don’t make a special widget that show the score in the home screen. And also ai commentary features. That’s I can build this concept.