I_mr_lazy kiranrajkg Hey Bro, can you share how did you updated it… like you i am also checking every hour from last 5 days…
Hadi SahabudeenShajahan its normal man, not a problem but a feature, they probably found bugs inthe first wave rollout, they will fix and we will get!
TejasMaisuriya Its a manual even i get file from nothing support team they’ve sent me an email u can do it but there’s always a risk if something happened in download like error it might probably casue a problem so nothing team suggests to wait for official update which we ll get it by end of this month.
AdonayBustillo Does anyone know how to enable the option to record with an external microphone using the Nothing camera through the USB-C port? Is there a way to activate it, or is it only possible with an external app?