Rob ⚡️ Thanks Rob, it’s actually connected to the first screen. When a call comes in, simply tap and hold the white button. This will present you with four options - answer/decline the call or send a text/voicemail to the person. As you select an action, it will enlarge and emphasize the interaction.

maybe in future I’ll try to record and upload interactive prototypes.

gauravsp278 I can surely collab with someone to make this happen but it’s not an easy task for me because of time issues. however, I personally feel we should wait for the official app. (If I receive more similar requests then possibly, I’ll try to do it.) btw I’m glad you like it.

@AmaAam Man too good!!!
Just hoping that nothing implements these ASAP

    Very cool concept. Just a lil feedback, i think the contacts pages looks a bit odd on the alignment. For example the profile picture thats right at the top and the dial pad kinda fills most of the screen. Leaving no breathing space. But overall its a good concept. Well done. ✅

      @aman ali Love the concept, would it be possible to have 2 device phone books ie: Independent Sim1 & Sim2 for contact details of course?

      Here’s another stab at the Caller Info display when making or receiving calls, your saved contact the ability to display or hide their number and just display their name and show their contact picture?

      And option to have a full Caller ID display showing contact and the option for a small image and contact name (something similar to Samsung setup)?

      Either way nice work on your efforts. 😉

        Bro please make sure to Remove call recording announcement and beep it’s really annoying

        Joe King thanks. btw for caller display I didn’t use number because the contact is already saved. no. is only visible when the contact is unknown.

        19 days later
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        a month later

        HarshMishra_stAdfP4Cd1 After receiving a lot of feedback from the community we are working on making changes in the UI as well as fixing bugs. Final release will be soon on the Play Store.