Mirko_ddd Jitesh K the key is activated, it should work by default. Tested on Phone (1) and Phone (2a), we are waiting for feedbacks from Phone (2)
Snake I am on the phone (2) - 2.5.3. I have the latest version of the app but the glyph isn’t getting triggered. Everything else works perfectly and so happy to see this exceptional application! Very well designed.
Dude0815 Mirko_ddd Just opened the app and I have to say, you did a great job making this app. It feels very polished and I love the design
Snake Hello. Any update on this for the Nothing phone 2. Would very much love to have the glyph timer work for this application. Thank you!
KarolWo_kowski Mirko_ddd Any news about the update? I am the owner of phone 2 and really like your app, but the glyphs are missing