Hi ,

IAM mahmoud from Egypt

I have a nothing phone 2 a has been working since a week but the battery automatically decreased by 40% while I was sleeping, the, knowing that everything is turned off on the phone, Wi-Fi, data, and everything, and I do not know what the solution is.

Merged 1 post from Battery .

Hi Mahmoud,

Yep, a lot of people is facing the same problem, but it seems that Nothing is not aware of it (or they haven’t said anything about this matter yet).

We all hope that it’s a software problem that will be eventually fixed in the next Nothing OS update.


I’m a New (and proud) owner of New 2a

I’m falling in love with the glyph to get that “silent” option for specific notification.

Things that cool be extra nice, is something like : “alright, i know i got New notification” -> double TAP black of the phone

Without mark notification as read, glyph could go off, then if New notification appear, then Come black again.

Why? When i speak to someone, and want a correct attention to what they see. That blank LED distract me until i read it.

Thanks for that product ❤️

Battery draining over night - noticed a small drain overnight 7-10 %. Charged my phone yesterday to 100% and the battery was at 93% when i went to sleep. Woke up 83%. I think there are som apps which need to be updated or act up after the update - facebook, google services, google play. Other reasons could be that the stand by optimisations are pretty aggresive. Will try to put 2a in battery saving mode overnight 🙂

I got my phone on monday, it was 100%. Today upadeted to 2.5.5a and for 76% to 28% for less than 3 hours on stand-by. This phone is pathetic. If you want us to test it give it for free.

    Might be a dumb post, but I think my battery goes down a little too fast. One of the reasons I bought this phone was that its supposed to last real long, sometimes even 2 days supposedly. For me, it usually goes down to 20% around 4pm despite having it at 100%.

    I called the post dumb because i always have mobile data on and use hotspot often, as well as bluetooth with airpods. However the thing is, i notice it goes down pretty fast even if i do basically mundane tasks, like just adjusting the theme, messaging on Discord (with data though) and listening to music.. And also, it seems to go down for no reason even when im not using it at all. For example, after not using it for like 2 hours,i saw that the battery went down by 10%.

    Is there anything I can do taking these into account? I already prevented a bunch of google apps that always ran in background to help that. Can I do anything else?

      Badinek believe me very dumb . if you are using hotspot on a 5g phone , dont expect you can compare depletion with SOT. My brother has oneplus 11r and I have made the battery go 100-0 percent in 2hours on that 😂. you can try yourself . turn on hotspot and use your pc or whatever you are using hotspot for and download GTA5 or whatever . then see battery go zzzz. while surfing it doesnot consume much but still does. with more bandwidth your energy consumption increases. like if you switch to 4g with hotspot your phone shall last much longer. (SOT- screen on time )

        ghumnewala fair but I:

        • dont use 5g
        • use hotspot only like 1 hour maximum

        You just disregarded the rest of the post. Also, the 2a seems to have real battery drain issues, since theres a lot of posts about it.

          what “mobile data ” exactly are you using , 1-G ? also

          Badinek all of them are using hotspots according to me . check my profile i have posted my stats and i dont have issues . 😏

            I have updated just now too. seemed to be happening on 2.5.4 as well though.

            Merged 10 posts from Battery depleting pretty fast on 2a?.


            this was for the entire day, from 7pm to 4pm. I had to enable battery saver by 4pm otherwise it wouldnt last. I played some games sure, but it still went down as fast as my friends, who use years old phones with smaller batteries.

            this is just now, ive charged the phone to 92% and then unplugged it and used it for a while. went down by 5%…….

            Badinek not a dumb post a lot of people facing this issue.