NoarBaer So I uploaded it on 3th party web it should let you download it.
orbilu2 I made a custom one with the use of GlyphTools by SebiAi for the iOS Ringtone “By The Seaside” Download Link: Have fun with it everyone!
Kamalesh_G orbilu2 I dont how to use SebiAi can you do me a favor by make one for “Do I wanna Know by Artic monkeys” Please it will so cool.
hamedhoseyny Hi everyone 😇 Before creating this thread, I had the idea of sharing composer’s music… I’m glad to see it happen. Listen to some of my music:
TejasMaisuriya Astrea this is so good brother i m singer and i can feel this very much I loved it make more please I’d love to hear it from different genres
SonoAX Didn’t make it in a 10 seconds file, and may not be 100% accurate but I still tried, no need to say the name, you already know it. 🙂 (I used DAN btw)
MelbinJoshy KumarVikash_vikuu_ How did you make the sync? Is it possible to put this as ringtone in phone 2 with this sync?
JimRaynor Tarun KumarVikash_vikuu_ OMG that’s cool. Can I import it somehow to my composer? Or did you just a little cheat and this isn`t rington, just play music + glyph vizualizer?