Magne My watch watch pro 2’s data on strength training just doesn’t really seem to work properly. I have worked out 3 times with the watch now and the data just says low intensity even though I’ve trained to failure in all of my workouts. Today i tried pausing in between my sets but that just made I worse. It just says that I’ve warmed up and the recovery time just says 0,0 hours even though I can clearly feel it in my body. Does anyone have any experience with this? I can’t find anything about what’s wrong in the guide or community
SamiNazir I also have the same issue, but I checked the exercise record my watch and it says that my average bpm was 105, so I checked the cmf website and it said that a bpm between 97 and 117 gets counted as a warm up.
VimalJain Yes I’m also using watch pro 2 and I’m also facing the same issue…. Provide us with an update that can deal with such issue