IchBinAran hey, so this saturday I bought cmf buds pro 2 and it has not been a week but the case is super dirty. I tried cleaning it with alcohol, didn’t work. please help 🙏
Maxishappy Hey Aran seeing as your username suggests your from Germany we are neighbours I am from the Netherlands. Now into your problem with your cmf buds pro 2 being dirty. Since you’ve tried ice proper alcohol I am going to suggest a microfiber cloth. If that doesn’t work what happens when you try and scratch it of with your nails ? Does it go off and build up dust under your nails ? If so just take a brush (cleaned from sand and anything that might scratch up your earbuds) and go over the buds if it doesn’t go off get a bit harder one. If that doesn’t work I don’t know how to get them clean except scraping off the top layer which isn’t recommended. @IchBinAran
IchBinAran dear max, thanks for your answer. I’ve literally tried both microfiber and scratching. didn’t help at all. i hope nothing/cmf come up with a solution.