Zhen_0xc7L0nMia First headset from nothing. Something like nothing ear (max), if taking the inspiration from apple
VladEmanuel Natalie ✨ I think it’s a bluetooth speaker but more like Alexa.🤔 But also look’s like earphones with superior noise cancelling and 3D surrounding sound feature idk but I feel like it’s Bluetooth speaker but like alexa
dubberman Natalie ✨ I’d love some over-ear headphones from CMF. The orange colouring is stunning and why I own 3 pairs of the differing cmf earbuds.
JosephGood Gaming handheld? Backbone? Maybe a little far out, but it would be absolutely sick if that’s what this is. This is a great avenue for a company like this.
Abhi_3mQz6tUbgL Natalie ✨ I’m confident it’s nothing ear open. Are they open back headphones by any chance?