LeelasaiabhiramIrlanki I updated my phone2 to nothing os 2.5 and i think the touch response issue is resolved.
GiantIoy omer.e For now works perfect . I am testing it over an hour and still dont have a misstouch yet. 🫱🏼🫲🏻
NayanVajifiya DhruvParashar_VsEHHnoiHS My Nothing phone 2 is 7 days old. Please tell me in details, that what exactly should I do to resolve the issue ?
DhruvParashar_VsEHHnoiHS SergioMart_nez_ztk3HxjDIX buy it now dude the problem was with the software it’s fixed now
omer.e LeelasaiabhiramIrlanki Light touch is comfortable to touch with a fingertip, isn’t it? I’m thinking of buying tempered glass, so I don’t want to buy it in vain🙂
omer.e NayanVajifiya Just wait for the Android 14 update. For now, it has only been released to beta users. Don’t worry it will come in the coming days.
DhruvParashar_VsEHHnoiHS NayanVajifiya just download beta version then you will get an update the update it just type on YouTube nothing phone 2 beta version download
NayanVajifiya DhruvParashar_VsEHHnoiHS I have downloaded beta tool for nothing. But I didn’t get update for beta version. Kindly provide proper steps to update beta version.
HamzaAbbas Glad to report that the problem is resolved for me after updating to Android 14 in the OS 2.5.1 update
KrisztianK_Slukkos_ NayanVajifiya I think there is no longer a Beta version as the new roll out is already 2.5.1