Some constructive feedback and suggestions from the past days of initial usage:
- Sync to Apple Health: this is amazing to have but it’s not syncing the sleep phases although they exist, will this be added in future updates?
- Watch faces: ability to create or customize your own, currently they lck heartrate, oxygen or sleep data and are overall not interactive enoguh imo
- Heart rate monitoring: the current info on the watch is very basic, I suggest addinf more info or customization of what is displayed. Eg the geaph/trend is not granular enough / timeframe is too big
- Advanced analytics: suggest to add things like heartrate variability
- Stress level: more info / data how it’s calculated, I assume it’s linked to heart rate?
Overall the watch is amazing, especially at the price point, to enhance it even further I think displaying the available data better on the watch itself, whether it’s from the sensors or notifications/sync to phone would really upgrade the experience 2x - I don’t feel like the full potential is used here from a software/UX perspective.