Got my Watch Pro on Christmas and am wearing it daily since about two weeks. Still have 6% left and I’m quite satisfied so far. Started to use the Training tab of the app recently and the step count sometimes is way off no matter if GPS is enabled or not.
Today I went to university by bike which took 11 minutes while covering around 2 km and the app does show this for the training activity (the orange tile on the main screen), but my watch only displays 5 minutes of activity and only 1.06 km distance covered. I think the distance and minutes of activity should add up on the watch’s activity screen while the step count should be separate or maybe I don’t quite understand how this works. 😅
The activity screen shows a tracker for hourly movement and when I red the description for it, it said something like “The watch will remind you to get up”. I haven’t gotten any notification so far to get up and move around. My best daily score so far was 5 of 12.
As the watch supports timers and alarms why don’t they sync with the ones on the phone though? I mean it’s kinda nice to have my phone 2 and watch pro ringing at the same time to wake me up, but I really think timers should sync up especially because the presets on the watch are not always helpful and you need to scroll to the bottom to create a new one which is only temporary and also makes the watch unusable until it finishes.
One last thing on my feedback list left. Sometimes the screen of the watch turns on randomly without me interacting with it nor having the wrist wake up activated. It happens during the day and the night. A restart of the watch fixes this for another couple of days (didn’t count them).
Edit: Also want to say the watch strap is kinda comfortable. Had to clean it with soap before I was able to wear it without my skin itching, but since I do so around every second to third day everything is fine. Just wanted to let you guys know.