Suphachai_ I want a note app that is a specific app for nothing phone because using note apps from other sources is not convenient for working and sending data as files. I use a Samsung tablet to write and want to send files from there to my phone for further editing, but I can’t because Google keep app doesn’t support it. If the developer of nothing sees this, I would be very grateful. It will definitely be convenient for many people to use.
MOHAMMEDKAREEM Congratulations nothing team, for introduce nothing gallery available in play store early access. Hope new nothing apps will introduce soon like nothing dialer, message app, calculator, contact app, music app, scanner app etc,
Spandan_f3MnQ2OtZt What if Nothing add some more apps like File manager, Nothing’s own Phone Dialer, Etc apps with Nothing’s own Customisations.
AmerAlnabulsi I’m a civil engineer and it would help me a lot of there is a bubble leveling widget that is specific for nothing, just like apple phones
Numan rashid We should focus more our own apps like gallery app is already in progress . contacts app .A app with AI support in which we can generate files .some only nothing feature apps . More focus on security,privacy and some exclusive feature which will be only available on nothing which other brand don’t provide . Love to this community 💎 We are nothing ❤️
SupravatJana nothing os need a own call dialer like samsung or apple dialer,it’s one feature is my favourite thats Hide mobile number ,when calling outgoing or incoming . it’s very useful and privacy protection.plz add this featur in nothing dialer.
AdityaSharma_WHosAneC9y Nothing should have their own album and file view that should increase it privacy and its own ai based editing features make it wow 😯
shibprem If nothing can able to provide some Equalizer & audio output through headphone & bluetooth headphone quality improvement possible by near future update it’s really very helpful to the user..
SourabhBiswas I kindly recommend downloading Flow Equaliser from the Play Store, as it is the best equalizer app I have used.