Bought the Nothing Ears recently, thought they were pretty good but since I’m a nerd I decided to make them better by smoothing out the mids and treble.
The sound really opens up quite a lot more with this and sounds less tinny while putting more weight behind the bass.
Below is the graph of the EQd ears (green) vs the stock ones (red) at Bass Enhance 1 plotted against a population-averaged neutral audio target and my personal target. Unless you’re a producer or really deep into audiophile stuff - you don’t want true neutral as it sounds pretty anemic and boring. I did a sine sweep to flatten it out (to my ears) and ensure it’s balanced. Uses a 5128 measurement which is going to be much more accurate than most. I got the original measurement from SoundGuys which does overexaggerate the bass a bit but it is still quite bass heavy.
You can try the EQ below - it makes the ears sound much more natural (and much more expensive!) IMHO. The EQ really is the killer feature.
Best used with Bass Enhance disabled or on level 1