KarlKeppler Dam no wireless charging :-( Oh well guess I’ll be waiting for the Phone 3. I wonder if these 3A phones will even work in the USA..
Sourav_Satvaya This is the best you could do? Forget about the flash placement just look at the hump. Seriously, your design team needs to be fired
sean (1) Sourav_Satvaya (3a) looks like it’ll be very wobbly on its back. 😕 I know Nothing wants everyone to lay their phone facedown, but that doesn’t work for me.
DavidBuck I absolutely love the design. It feels cyberpunk. Please keep us here in the USA included in your sales forever please.
JeffreyLopez Rob ⚡️ Uh! So where is the phone? Your kidding right? This company claims to be all about symmetry!
AravindhRudh I’ve been following your design philosophy closely and appreciate the unique approach you bring to smartphone aesthetics. Inspired by the Nothing Phone 3a, I created a redesigned concept that I believe better balances the overall form and function while staying true to your brand’s identity. Here you go! What’s your thought?
sean (1) Sharath_0-8 🚨 Stalker Alert 🚨 But seriously, if you just want pricing tune in or visit the store at 10:29 AM (GMT). There – I saved you 30mins.
Sharath_0-8 sh0ck No worries. questions should be posed, that’s how community will be useful to Nothing.
LEPE Attention Please Nothing Phone (3a) would like to be picked up from the IKEA Playground! Would the parents (Xiomi 14 Ultra and Nothing Phone (2a)) be so kind and pick him up?. Thank you Ok still remarkable Design. Loving it ❤
SambhramaKhushi The hell is this bruh that’s the worst ahh phone I have seen this year. 2a is miles better that this crap camera design. Don’t get me wrong i really like nothing products and I own the CMF Phone 1 but this the design team needs to be fired immediately man. I mean they could really do better arrange the camera like the 2a ( similar to pixel 9). Or like the phone (1) and (2). Nearly half people are disappointed in this design and the others are talking about the perspective. Nothing we need a poll for this. Overall it felt like a design downgrade.
LEPE SambhramaKhushi I think they really did go for a camera look, as they will be promoting the camera surely a lot and hopefully get got marks for their camera. In that way it does make sense choosing this design. Image going shopping for a phone and wanting a good camera, without even knowing about Nothing this phone will immediatly catch your eye and you will read the data sheet and be hopefully astonished by the specs and buy it.
Lukas_Fochr Krrr you can watch that on instagram SambhramaKhushi bro chill, the fact that you don’t like it doesn’t mean they should fire the whole team lol
Sharath_0-8 from the start, they only emphasised symmetry in just the Bezels on the display. they followed Golden ratio in their usual designs. Designs are supposed to be unique sometimes, and this is Bold too.