1. When in landscape mode, if you swipe away an app in the recents menu, the whole screen “rotates”.

  2. Pressing the edit button in quick settings causes some quick tiles to glitch out for an instant.

These are minor issues but they didn’t happen in 2.0.4, these were also present in open betas.

Anyone else facing a delay in fingerprint recognition when in AOD and disappears when lockscreen is visible.

Oh wow you are indeed very sharp !

And I can confirm both bugs on 2.5.1.
I think the first is not actually a bug let me explain : the first app you are in is in landscape mode, when you go to recent app, and you are still watching the app, the phone thinks it is still in landscape mode but when you close the app, it takes the behavior of the 2nd app, which is in portrait mode and so goes into portrait mode.
Edit : well no, I opened 2 apps in landscape to test, and the phone keeps returning to portrait, it is a bug 😂

I also have the quick glitches while going into edit mode for quick settings tiles.

Unfortunalty the settings > systems > feedbacks doesn’t exist anymore in 2.5.1 (it will come back) so sorry for the tag @Rob ⚡️, but maybe you can forward it to the team. Quite “serious” bug there