Ali Fakhruddin Naveenyakshit We cannot add call recording due to googles policies. No third party dialer will have that.
Shubh @Ali Fakhruddin I have been using your app for long. I actually found an issue. When the watch is connected with my phone and if the call comes, the proximity sensor does not work. Others functions are working great.
Ali Fakhruddin Shubh Hi. Thanks for using the app. It’s a known issue and will be solved in the next update.
kray_b Ali Fakhruddin Brilliant desing, I love that ndot matrix! I have an interesting idea for you to create; new alarm/clock/timer app concept.
AndreaFlandre howdy , can you please add a black logo for the ndialer ? cause it looks weird compared to the other logos dark themes . like its white instead of black
kalashNopany Really cool, Just the critics cause everything else is amazing. 1)the font I think most people have already mentioned it Both the pickup icon and reject/ cut button can be wider would be more accessible
Ali Fakhruddin _rofe_sor-X_ Coz its OnePlus. They pay google a hefty price for allowing that features.
DeviPrasad_9TkLrrI7qp Ali Fakhruddin broo its not working on my nothing cmf 1 I can’t even cut the call pls help me out
Ali Fakhruddin DeviPrasad_9TkLrrI7qp Hey mate. N Dial hasnt been updated since September. We have a lot of things to work on as fixing bugs, compatibility etc. Once our Noting app is launched we will focus on updating N Dial for good. So please bear with us. We only have a handful of people working in their free time so we will try to get the app done in the right way.
ChandrikaAregela Heyy I like the app But I am facing issues while using N dail. it’s not showing me a contacts and especially i can’t cut the call.
KarlKeppler Nothing wrong with Google Dialer. Nothing please do not start adding duplicate apps everywhere like Samsung and Oneplus. Google apps are perfect for Nothing phone.