If you caught our recent announcement, you’ll know Phone (2a) will be launching on 5th March.
We’re pleased to invite our community members in Delhi to come and celebrate with us at our in-person keynote event on the evening of Tuesday 5th March.
The event will showcase Phone (2a) with a live keynote featuring @Carl and more special guests from the Nothing Team. Following the keynote, we’ll hear a live music performance from our multi-talented design team, as well as Monophonik - a modular electronic music artist who recently performed at Lollapalooza India 2024.
After the keynote, you’ll be able to get hands-on with Phone (2a), grab drinks at the bar and visit the community booth. Each attendee will be given exclusive Nothing Phone (2a) merch, and get the opportunity to meet members of the Nothing team.
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We hope to see as many of you at the event as possible - @Rob ⚡️ and I are super excited to attend the event. Let us know if you got a ticket! 🎟️