TausifIqbal We got the pouch. Don’t be excited. When you will got, you feel disappointed. I feel more happy without i got nothing. Nothing can’t be managed be there sitting area or there buffet system .. We also got nothing from in the nothing event.
Tush_Jagtap YashBhalla_zpwtjlbvNa One of our community member recieved a bag 🛍️ but we didn’t receive yet 😔 not really expected from Nothing
ManavBansal the same bag which was seen with some attendees at the event. not worth the wait. expected better honestly 🙁
YashBhalla_zpwtjlbvNa ManavBansal I also got the same bag It was a pretty bad experience Considering how much they made us wait for it 🥲
Nkk Anyone interested to sell this pouch in 100 bucks, atleast u get some money back which u invested in buying launch event ticket.
ManavBansal sean (1) its a waste. Whats the utility? It looks nice but we dont carry such small stuffs always here
sean (1) ManavBansal - I’d put my car keys, phone and wallet in there, perhaps sunglasses and a bottle of water too. When I’ve had bags like that on holiday, I’ve been able to hang my beachtowel over it whilst it’s on my shoulder. It’s getting hotter in the UK, so I’m no longer carrying a coat around and I don’t want stuff bulging out my pockets. A small bag I can throw things into and hang up somewhere would be handy.
SagarBansal ManavBansal Brother, you took one bag in the event and got one delivered home 🤣. Atleast you should not call it a waste.
Ankush_Patronum The waste of money. There is nothing a small pouch cost around 100 rupee. Just take it back, I can’t handle the bag is too heavy… P.S. Please share me the company headquarter address i want to back this bag… 🤬