Oxytocin✨ Mirko_ddd just checked on phone 1 …Works perfectly Thanks a lot man i was missing glyph timer feature for phone 1 wondering why company didnt provide it but you made it possible👍😊
unnecessary_crisply Mirko_ddd Tried it, did not work. But now since youe team has got the key, I’ll wait for the app update. Thanks for the great app, loved it’s UI and haptic feedback integration.
Mirko_ddd unnecessary_crisply tested with the key and now works without enabling the debug mode. Works pretty fine on 2a, if you try and give feedback with your phone 2 could be helpful, thanks 😇
Mirko_ddd Jitesh K the key is activated, it should work by default. Tested on Phone (1) and Phone (2a), we are waiting for feedbacks from Phone (2)
Snake I am on the phone (2) - 2.5.3. I have the latest version of the app but the glyph isn’t getting triggered. Everything else works perfectly and so happy to see this exceptional application! Very well designed.
Dude0815 Mirko_ddd Just opened the app and I have to say, you did a great job making this app. It feels very polished and I love the design
Snake Hello. Any update on this for the Nothing phone 2. Would very much love to have the glyph timer work for this application. Thank you!
KarolWo_kowski Mirko_ddd Any news about the update? I am the owner of phone 2 and really like your app, but the glyphs are missing