Louis ☕️ First smartwatch was a Fossil Q Watch, it had the “flat tyre” type display like the original Moto 360. This was not a bad smartwatch, but was let down by early hardware (like a lack of RAM etc.) and early Wear OS and not great battery life.
Next up was a TicWatch Pro, better hardware specs and generally a useful smartwatch with decent battery life.
Have been using a TicWatch Pro 5 (sandstone) since late 2023, this has fantastic battery life and now that Wear OS has greatly improved (the watch has been updated to Wear OS 4.0), also runs quite well. It seems to be pretty durable, I can wear it when swimming without any worries. It also seems to fit any 24mm watch bands/straps (I have replaced the original silicone/rubber one with a leather band). Most people who see it seem to think it is just a chunky looking sports watch - which is also why I like it, much prefer smart watches with a round face.
Also like the Withings hybrid watches, but not their prices.