NP2 owner here, I’m rooted on 2.6 running a custom kernel, my system is lightweight and I play some light games, I’ve removed any system apps I don’t want and BT / WiFi scanning is off, all emergency apps are gone.
I’ll remove anything I don’t need, I block all ads, don’t use social media unless I have to and I’ll use the web versions for that, use the attached settings for your kernel speeds… also turn off zram.
I get 10+ hours SOT over 3 days, the only time I’ll see spikes is when Im on mobile data for a prolonged time. If I’m indoors then my idle drain is 0.2% - 0.3% per hour, active drain is around 5.0% to 8.0% depending on what I’m doing.
I wrote these tips a while ago, if you follow half of them then you’ll see an improvement.
I only measure down to 10% so if you were going to 0% then I would be getting around 11 hours SOT.
Obviously this changes over time however and it depends on what apps you have and bare in mind that lithium batteries do lose efficiency over time, I’ve had my Nothing Phone 2 since pre order, it was even better earlier on, the 2.0.4 firmware was the most efficient so far.
Lastly your apps will have trackers built in, use this to remove the trackers, for example Wordscapes has 100 trackers, you do not get anything for free these days, your apps watch you 100%
Here’s the tips.
Change 5G to 4G unless you need the speed.
Remove tiktok its 100% dodgy Chinese spyware.
Remove Facebook use web based
Remove Facebook messenger use web based
Remove Twitter use web based
Remove any ad based apps pay for the pro version.
Turn off gestures like lift to wake
Change from QHD to FHD (No difference)
Allow auto brightness
Turn off WiFi overnight
Turn all updates to manual not auto (play store)
Remove any apps you don’t use system and user.
Change back up to once a month or none. (WhatsApp)
Turn off location history (Google)
Use titanium / swift / App manager to remove any system apps you don’t need (root)
Don’t allow anonymous usage statistics for any app ever.
Don’t allow tracking cookies on any website
Use adaway (root needed)
Don’t open web pages in Google app (I use Samsung browser)
Don’t use xposed /Lsposed
If you game you will not get high SOT scores, period.
Don’t bother with battery saving apps or monitoring apps besides battery guru (it forced aggressive doze which does help)
Streamline your apps, if you don’t use it, remove it.
Don’t allow WiFi scanning (as in letting other apps use it when it’s not on)
Never allow personalised ads.
Never allow notifications from websites
Always decline cookies unless your absolutely have to allow some tracking (common sense prevails here)
Optimise as many apps as possible unless it affects performance.
Don’t allow apps to remain open in the notification area.
(they annihilate your battery)
Live wallpaper, again very cool, but battery burners.
Again! Don’t charge overnight, make a note of your percentage then see what it is in the morning, you shouldn’t be losing more than 5% really, if you’ve done well with the above then it’ll be reflected here, the good SOT results will follow.
Turn off live read outs of network speed, RAM usage in the status bar.
Turn off NFC unless in use.
Leave location on in quick settings.
Don’t overcharge your phone, IE: overnight
Don’t allow your phone to fully deplete the battery.
Whatever anyone says, this does 100% damage batteries, there is no argument here and I won’t entertain anyone who says otherwise, Ive seen through real life tests what this results in, bloated, inefficient, possibly dangerous lithium batteries.
Keep your phone out the sun.
Keep it out of extreme cold.
Keep your device clean dust free.
Snapchat, Viber, house party, apps like that tends to use more battery as they don’t have great dormancy periods.
Apps like speed test by Ookla tend to have location tracking, similarly they tend to turn themselves on and off when they feel like it, my advice, install test and uninstall.
Allow a couple of battery cycles between tweaking sets, to give you an idea of how much of a difference you’ve made.
Use battery guru to see what is being used.
The general idea is to keep your device clean and fresh, remove files you don’t need any more.
Keep an eye on apps that misbehave or aren’t wanted, index your folders so they aren’t a mess.
The more good things you do means the more potentially bad apps you can have on your phone, eg if you really need Facebook, you could keep it so long as you clean up other areas of your phone.
Good luck