While most of us are still waiting for the ear (1) to be shipped or delivered, the rumor mill doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. This morning, Mukul Sharma, turned to his Twitter account to mention that Nothing is working to release a power bank.

The details are naturally scarce at the moment, but Sharma adds that “in all likelihood”, the new product will allegedly be called power (1).

It is not mentioned when the power bank will be released nor how much it will cost. However, prior to this leak it was alluded that the company will announce a new product before 2021 is over.

While it is true that it’s just a rumor for now - please do take it with a pinch of salt - I don’t think that Sharma would share something out of thin air to his 222,000 followers.

At first, I found it strange that the company is going to release something as trivial as a power bank, but it actually makes sense. Nothing will get another round of press, another round of generating buzz around a product that will have to be inexpensive, therefore tempting even more people to spend their money and get invested in their culture.

After the ear (1) and the alleged power (1), it’s clear to me that Nothing is planting the seeds, making its name well-known before releasing something that will give people pause before opening their wallets. When that moment comes, if you are happy with the products you have bought so far, you will likely give them a vote of confidence.

If the next product is indeed the power (1), are you interested in checking it out? The possibilities with a transparent design are enticing from the get-go.

    If this rumour is true, I’m all for it. Powerbanks have become an essential gadget for many tech users, especially being on the go/travelling etc. Like you say, this would help plant the seed for the next bigger launch - could we see a tablet - touch (1) - a smartwatch - watch (1) - or a phone - mobile (1) - hit us to combine with the ear (1) and power (1), makes sense.

    My only concern with the power bank is that companies like Anker, who really specialise in this pretty much own the market share. Anker is the only company I now buy my cables, plugs, USB peripherals and power banks from purely from an efficiency/cost perspective so I’m not sure what would make power (1) really stand out enough, to take customers away from here. I guess from my point of view as an Anker customer, if there was a similar product that offered the same level of efficiency at a similar/cheaper cost, I might go for it.

    Transparent design-wise on a power bank would be challenging to make it interesting enough, as underneath the hard exterior is just a battery cell? Be interesting if they could incorporate some kind of ‘digital’ visual of the power cell and then you could see it being full/empty - that would make the transparent element really work!

      Thank you @Cheetosdust for sharing the rumor with us.

      I always wanted to have a properly good power bank, but all those I owned turned out to be mostly useless, not being able to charge more than half of my phone’s battery.

      This was years ago, probably now these gadgets are less disappointing, but I never gave them a second chance. Maybe Nothing will be the answer I was looking for this whole time? 

      It would also be useful to charge my new camera, since it’s harder to find a replacement battery for it than unicorn blood.

      Jumping again in the mystery train, leading to the hype station.

      PS. I just found this Kickstarter campaign. The power bank has a transparent design and some other really interesting features, including a differentiating screen.

        Thank you for sharing this @Cheetosdust !

        Personally, I am not that hyped if that rumor becomes true. I bought a huge ass power bank like 2 years ago, that supports 45W charging (both ways) to be able to fast charge the power bank itself, my Nintendo switch, phone, and whatever might come. I barely use it but it covers all my needs, when I need it. What is like 2-4 times a year.

        I’ve also owned a power bank years before, which was because my very old phone back then didn’t hold up that well, but once I’ve gotten a new one, I didn’t even need that anymore. I solely bought this one because of my Nintendo switch, that empties really fast once you use it, and to be able to actually charge it. Because if the output isn’t fast enough you can’t actually play and charge. It’ll charge so slow, you’ll even drain it while charging.

        That said, I already bought something that covers my needs way more than enough. And I can’t see me buying a power bank in the next like 5 years again. Except if it’s like half the size, weight and price. Then I’d be up for it.


          Thanks for the tip-off!

          It makes sense that Nothing would target another relatively low-cost, yet highly popular product category that’s suitable for generating profit. It’s a chance to flex their design muscles once again, further refining their processes before having a crack at more complex and more expensive devices.

          Archive (bot)

          Awh yeah, loving the look of that - I’m all for seeing as many exposed internal components as possible!

          Louis ☕️ If this is indeed true, I believe they are going to use an identical approach as the one applied to the ear (1) - launch a compelling product while undercutting the price of the competition.

          Even if they sell the alleged power (1) almost losing money, they are going to do that precisely to move a lot of units. And I think Nothing is playing with the power of social media.

          You can see how much attention they pay to “likes” and “retweets”. If the majority of opinions are favorable, they’ll have a lot to retweet, creating a ridiculous amount of brand awareness.

          If you check David’s thread about the weekly restocks, since it was shared in Social Media, it attracted almost 3000 views.

          Archive (bot) I never felt the need to buy a power bank, so the idea I had of them was just a wall of indistinguishable plastic bricks. The one you shared, however, completely shakes that perception.

          It is a beautiful piece of hardware and I can clearly see myself exploring the possibilities of that screen. If Nothing pursues a design in that vein, I believe it will be, once again, talked about in several publications and, naturally, all over Social Media.

          If the price is right, perhaps I’ll try one for myself. And if my experience with the ear (1) goes well, naturally. Now we start to build a history with the company - good or bad.

          manuel19 Hah, it seems like you are covered and ready to go camping for three months.

          But how is your power bank holding in terms of capacity? Do you feel it’s depleting faster or is it as good as when you got it? If Nothing really announces the power (1), it’ll be interesting to know the opinions of members with previous experiences.


            It has 20k mAh, so more than enough 😅 on the other hand, it’s super huge and heavy. But when I need it, I have a backpack with me anyways so it’s fine. Also can’t say how much it holds up, compared to when I bought it, because it has so much capacity, I don’t pay any attention to it at all 😅 at some point, you just stop caring. So yea, not really looking for a replacement soon because it suits me more than fine. 😁

            a month later

            Archive (bot)

            Ohhh wow. This is cool. I don’t think it would he allowed on a plane though? I think the limit is 27,000mAh. I love the LED and the transparency of it, but that thing is ugly 😂.

            My friend showed me this one a few minutes ago, all it’s missing is a transparent design.

            2 years later