Kamalesh_G orbilu2 I dont how to use SebiAi can you do me a favor by make one for “Do I wanna Know by Artic monkeys” Please it will so cool.
MelbinJoshy KumarVikash_vikuu_ How did you make the sync? Is it possible to put this as ringtone in phone 2 with this sync?
JimRaynor Tarun KumarVikash_vikuu_ OMG that’s cool. Can I import it somehow to my composer? Or did you just a little cheat and this isn`t rington, just play music + glyph vizualizer?
Ealesy101 Chakri_003 - This sounds very familiar…🧐 Original compositions are welcome here too! But the Sampha sample is a good tune, that’s for sure! 🍻
Wiseguy2505 KumarVikash_vikuu_ hey I love this can you upload in a format that I can import and set as default please?