RapidZapper do that for COD
BGMI/PUBG 90 FPS is coming to Phone (2)
Tencent team mentioned (in Reddit Post) that there is a bug and it will be resolved in the upcoming patch hold on guys. 90 fps needs to be provided by vendor i.e Tencent not Nothing team. Definitely Nothing team needs to optimise it further.
What about the people who haven’t got 90 fps?
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Already updated pubgm global 3.4 but still no 90 fps shown in the graphics settings.
RapidZapper. Show me where the 90 fps is…. Show me… you liar
SAHIBSINGH_6RfmfkgT6T I think “in” means india
AriphMOHAMMAD no bro…chat got says ain065 means models with 12 gb ram…..and a065 means model with 8 gb ram.
To all BGMI/PUBG gamers,
It was krafton’s responsibilty to implement 90 FPS in phone (2). Nothing is not at fault. And if that option is not implemented well or doesn’t work that is also not Nothing’s fault. Krafton had limited 90 FPS for phone 2. And they are only rolling it out now. And if it’s broken also krafton didn’t implement it well. And none of Nothing software update says this in their changelog because they can’t add 90 FPS support through their OTA update. Only krafton can add it and fix bugs in it
Thank you
Nothing001 bro nothing will have to provide software update to unlock refresh rate limit on this specific app.
also its not a decoy as higher frame rste can be achieved through pop up method.
so all eyes on nothing team now
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h ttps://s3-nothing-prod.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/2024-09-12/1726152880-742489-screenshot-20240912-175342.jpg
nilanshchoudhary I don’t care bro.. I happen to know about the pop up method but my iPhone doesn’t require all that… why hustle just to get 90fps? I will stick with my iPhone
Nothing001 um thats not iphone i can see the game mode shortcut from the left broder
Nothing001 sir please understand refresh rate limits set by vendor not game
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Abdul-Muhaymin I didn’t say it’s an iPhone screenshot I said the hustle of getting 90fps here is boring… there is the iPhone screenshot I get 120fps with no hustle on iphone
Nothing001 obviously you will get 120 fps on iphone because of better a processor and a gpu , but 120 fps comes along side with the drawbacks like alot of heating and battery drain no doubt you can play 120 fps but just for a little time , after that even good devices start to lag and drop frames because of thermal throttling
Actually there is issues with krafton too cause all the nothing phone 2 devices hasn’t even got 90 fps
Abdul-Muhaymin I happen to know that already… my point still stands why should we go through a lot of process to make sure 90fps works on Nothing Phone? Why did they implement 90fps if it just can’t work with just launching the game normally without using the pop up?
Nothing001 true , but no clue why did this krafton do
RapidZapper nothing really cheated phone 2 years. Imagine spending 40k inr for phone ,2. These people are more concerned about phone 2a. Completely forgot phone ,2 and 1 users. Absolute cheating…..
Vishwam it doesn’t work like that buddy. both of them should make the app compatible and work as intended.
Krafton did their part, now its Nothing who should release an update to make their device run respect the refresh rate set by PubgM on their device.
Do you remember OnePlus users had to deal with same thing when they released OnePlus 12 and 12R. the game had the option but OnePlus had locked it to run at 60fps no matter what to keep temps down and optimize the device throttle.
and we all know how Nothing keeps singing about “optimization” all the time.
AKHILMATHEW_WgPVCR7Qd3 yeah, even 2.6 was pushed to 2(a) before flagship Nothing 2.
SreeRudranK_S afaik they included only for global Nothing 2. BGMI hasn’t got v3.4 iirc. maybe the Indian variant will get the same when it releases in future.