JoelV Idk if its just me but after this update my phone is starting to heat up. It is actually not that much but even when i played games, the np2 didnt heat at all. Just saying my concern thats all. Maybe its because i updated the device recently. If anybody has the answer, do reply.
TejachandraBingi JoelV Mine also was slightly warm, it’s normal after an update, after 3-4 hours or a day of usage, it should be back to normal.
100rabhThakur Nothing what are you doing … No camera widget No charging assistant Why you are downgrading. phone 2….
Vishwam 100rabhThakur They are not downgrading it. Have some patience. It might come with closed beta of 3.0. Respect development team. They are doing hard work and efforts. So chill out
deepakpurohit_9e7mjPOymp I also agree they are doing hardwork but atleast they should provide some hints or commitments that they’re working on mejor issues or not they should be transparent
VaibhavMenaria TechiBoy launched 1 year ago they are really acting like fool.☠️.. just wasted 45 thousand rupees…infact the 20k thousand phone gives u a good photo why not nothing? Carl pie is a good person he should listen to public nobody is actually happy with the camera .. Please fix nothing 2 camera how can be better than apple? @Carl @Firmware (bot) @ta_RUN this is not fare at all..
Jitesh K SomethingtoNothing Go check if it’s on or if it’s been turned off coz mine is working properly even after the update
U216518Arshad SomethingtoNothing yes, and also one touch to wake isn’t working While in phone call the screen is black, after use power button to wake up Whats app voice record hearing problem These all are work when you walk in sunlight
RavishKumar When phone 2 users get camera widget and vibration intensity changer almost 6 months completed to introduce in other phones, well done nothing I seen your future.
JoelV RavishKumar We still cannot change the vibration intensity like phone 2a. Also it isnt integrated well throught the ui.Example we do not get haptic feedback for increasing brightness or volume. I hope I hope nothing improves this. Fingers crossed.
maciek8432 Update is very good. System is so smooth and fast. Everything works fine Too bad there are no camera fixes
FaizanG_ Firmware (bot) thanks for the update, btw we are badly waiting for the camera improvement. Hope you would do it in the upcoming update.