AniruddhAshish Since the update I am experiencing a lot of lag, app crashes. I am writing this the 3rd time because two time chrome crashed on me. I hope we get a stable update that will resolve all these problems.
DavidAbu_n ShaunaakChatterjee I found it pretty jittery also in terms of animations, that is the biggest issue for me
DavidAbu_n Tony 1 didn’t reached my phone neither, I updated the version with the otaOffline utility because it was taking so long
Tony 1 Must be India first they seem to get the updates first. Guess just have to wait it usually the case with android software support unless it’s pixel phone’s
SamarthNP1 Tony 1 yes in India we get the new update on the same day of release but not all people in India get but I get everytime on the day of release
alexeev Hello, I understand that I am not the only one left without the latest hotfix? I already thought that the update in Russia was postponed)
alexeev NikolaPekov Maybe Nothing encountered problems with the initial deployment and temporarily cancelled it