Hary Silent/Vibrate/Sound modes It is always required to press the volume button to switch modes. Please bring this tile in the next update. @Carl
PratikK_ This Widget would be life changing, change between the different sound profiles on a widget. Kindly, make this available. URGENT.
ShouvikMukherjee There is an option where you can switch to silent mode (not in vibrate) by pressing double on power button in Gesture, but it is not enough.
SarathSoman I cannot find the quick settings for Silent/Vibrate feature. Do we have it ? Using Nothing phone 2/ os 2.5.2
VivekBhagat SarathSoman i think so they added that toggle in 2.5.3 so till then you can use indianet soudtiles from play store work just like native toggle
IshankGoel Interestingly this is present on nothing phone 1 but not on phone 2. Slightly disappointed