Anonymous297 SumukhM youre not alone. we might see these things in future updates. and we can see all files in files already. what else you need?
keerthanar0601 Please do add your own gallery app. It’s really inconvenient to use the Google photos everytime Please add your own music app. It really a very necessary feature Hope you will add these features as soon as possible. Please do acknowledge
Anonymous297 Nobody we already getting gallery app. open eyes mate. rest I think it we will get it soon coz google apps works well too.
AlCHemISt Sayan_Dutta completely agree nothing should make basic everyday apps like calender, clock, notes and keyboard too. To make the nothing experience full also they should make all the ui elements looks like nothing os and not stock android.
vovan-v AlCHemISt you right, for basic apps nothing can create they own apps, and for notes you can try this app called monospace notes with nothing style from the community member.
BhargavParanjape I really want nothing to make its own dialer app (Google dialer is really dumb), calculator app, and clock/alarm app. I really miss these apps from other custom ANDROID SKINS.
pixcel25 Ali Fakhruddin n clac doesn’t have scientific terms ex sin,cos that’s the main reason I use default calc
AnuchanMishra Nothing should have its own dialer, where we can record the calls automatically without announcement.
Anonymous297 AnuchanMishra you still can record without announcement but its manual. also Google has made it mandatory for ‘tier 1’ OEMs to use Google dialer and messaging app. Tier 1 means stock android or near stock android. This is the reason we got recorder widget as workaround to record calls instead of dialer with no announcement recorder. imo