I have been a massive fanatic of what Nothing are doing and I am sure that I definitely speak for majority of us. I am currently based in Cyprus and I am looking to get my hands on at least one of the 3a Series handsets. I am primarily a photographer and I am sure that for the quality they offer and what actually comes out of our pockets, it is great value.
A few posts back they highlighted and raved on about the great camera quality. It post touched on the micro-shots they had commissioned someone to compile, needless to say they were stunning.
I have to disclaim as I do not have one in hand, that is why I have opted to ask. I am not sure about the previous versions, but does the native camera app have a RAW Format feature? This may be a silly question but I have been searching and digging the web for this answer. Can we shoot in RAW and be able to edit in post-prod? I take it they have 3rd party compatibility too? For example, the MOMENT CAMERA APP?
I am just making sure before going forward with the purchase. I look forward to the community’s answers and interactions, thanks!!