Another triumphant Community Event. It was so lovely to see familiar faces, and meet new ones too. Always great to put new faces to Discord/Forum names.
Loved the arcade games, and whilst the Mario Kart competition ended up going in my favour, I have never felt more stressed! I suppose Rainbow Road shall do that to you…
Here are some snaps I took:
Louis, Shredding -

Rob, looking bewildered at his N64 Controller, before the Mod Team, Adam, Chris and Louis destroy each other in “Golden Eye” -

Dylan, continuing the brave fight against the undead, after I ran out of lives… -

Then, as alluded to by Natalie, my hawk like vision gave me the opportunity to win, and what a selection of goodies! -

I am excited to pass the Phone (2) onto my partner, Annie. Who desperately needs a new phone since her P30 Pro is slowly dying of old age! Super excited to rock the football shirt and Beanie (1) at future community events. Did I hear someone say karaoke for the next event? 👀
Finally, here are some Heart Rate spikes from my gametime on Mario Kart, as I said before, Rainbow Road is stressful!

Thanks to all for an amazing event! Cannot wait for the next community get together! 🔥