DevaDcruz kavinr the fingerprint is active in the following photos you uploaded..that’s why your mobile shutdown all the pixels temporarily..if u exit the page…it comes back to’s not a defect.. every phone with optical in display scanner with 120hz refresh rate panel has this green tint effect.
Nidishkumar It’s also visible when fingerprint scanner is disabled but very slightly in dark situation
AgentY Nidishkumar That is just how oled works. Same thing can be found even on high end phones. I tested the same scenario on iphone 12 and it also has greenish tint on low brightness in some cases. There is even an explanation of this on official samsung web page: You can also google about this phenomenon online, there are plenty of articles about it, some even offer a way to fix the issue(not sure if it actually can help).
hariraj250706 I too came across with this green boxes in the notification panel when it is in low brightness I request nothing to take a look over this and resolve it as soon as possible
JesusRuiz Takumi Ando i got the dame problem and now in any dark lock screen It appears Green in the corner
vansaj same i can see some grey strips on my screen wherever i dim my screen and there’s a tiny dot on my screen to its too tiny but still you can see it near the bluetooth icon
PiyushSudan_00ghN0YaCo vansaj Bro if you can see the issue in the. Screen recording also then it’s a software bug.
AvinashYadav_3kEsa5FJnG heisenber9 absolutely correct…there is something wrong in tuning of the display in lock screen. Also in low brightness checkout how green the tiles in notification panel becomes
AsmitPunwatkar The colour change thing in lock screen is only coming in my Nothing phone 2 if I change the Colour temperature of my phone if I keep it unchanged on default it won’t appear. Kinda software issue I guess.
solomonjedward Got pink line on my wife’s Nothing phone 1 which is out of warranty. Will they replace it for free?? Nothing service centers have bad rating almost everywhere.
Avaneeshyadav Greenish textures on lock screen and also noisy wallpaper in dim brightness when fingerprint is enabled.
vovan-v VishalShivgotra if you still have warranty try to reach the local store where you buy the phone, or contact Nothing support team.
Avaneeshyadav VishalShivgotra turn off the fingerprint print. Due to its icon brightness display looks likes so . It will help.