krishnanandA vovan-v I just recently saw the early access of the nothing gallery in playstore and downloaded looks clean and minimal but functionality is not implemented, delete button isn’t properly working sometimes and the edit button rerouted me to choose another app like Google photos,Google gallery or picsart
vovan-v krishnanandA yes an @Nothing001 said we need to wait to stable release with NOS3.0, I’am facing delete bottom issues too.
-m1- Derick Unfortunately, the app is still very immature. Pictures that I copy into a folder are then duplicated in the normal gallery. A lot of things are not working as they should. I hope it works
oskikotek The Gallery is perfect, kudos to Nothing! The only lacking features as of now are: Rotating photos Left/Right Editing Time/Date of photos Ability to save your favorites to a file would also be nice so we could restore fhem after a factory reset 🙂