Aayushmaan_Dd8W7nGpTt The photo after being clicked in expert mode gets dull. I have checked all my settings the XDR is also on. It worked very well earlier but now 😔. Please optimise it back again…
Palmix Art 🇮🇹 Aayushmaan_Dd8W7nGpTt How do you define dull? Do you refer to backlit scenes? In that case is normal, is like using a normal camera. I made this in expert mode and I have to say that in my case, some flickering lines appeared
Aayushmaan_Dd8W7nGpTt Palmix Art 🇮🇹 those lines appeared due to lower shutter speed. What happens in mine is if I use the WB option to get warmer tone. It reduces the warmth in the actual photo clicked but shows it while clicking
Rahul Aayushmaan_Dd8W7nGpTt that’s unusual behaviour… can you share the final image and the screenshot of the viewfinder when taking picture?