Hi guys, im no expert when it comes to the camera settings, so i was wondering if someone could give me an advice to “fix” the 2a camera. I would like to use the expert mode instead of the normal one in order to have better results as the normal one is really bad or at least for my experience, i’ll explain what’s the issue. So basically in normal light condition, doesn’t matter if i’m inside or outside, tried both, everything is too bright, it looks like there’s always an additional source of light coming from i have no idea where (lol, maybe the phone knows) and as a results i get fake colors that are definitely away from the truth im looking at + shadows almost completely disappears due to this too much random brightness, basically making impossible to capture a nice realistic picture. This was the issue in normal light / day light conditions, inside / outside, now let’s talk about low light conditions when inside, cause i still have to try this outside during night. So for some reason the camera once again, when it’s dark and i am in a room, fails to capture shadows, making it look like there’s light in shadows spots of the room and puts colors everywhere almost making the room look like it’s daytime…. but it’s night….. Don’t wanna make this too long but, i’ve heard ppl say the camera was good, so i only can think of 2 option, 1) my camera is faulty/broken or 2) who says is good is smoking something or jokes aside never had a phone with a decent camera 🙂